This is the time to visit our coffee tour ! Although it can be done at any time of the year, now is when you can get the most benefit from it. The reason behind this is that we are at the peak of the harvest, which means that we are working hard so that the coffee is processed in the correct way and maintains its excellent quality.

When the coffee is harvested, it must be processed immediately to avoid unwanted fermentations, so when you visit us, you will be able to observe the process live and in full color of our wet and dry mill. If you don't know what wet or dry mill means, it's a sign that you have to visit us.

The tour consists of a tour of the low-emission coffee farm; The plants you are going to see are the ones that produce the grains that go in our bags. Then we continue the path to wet processing, the next step after harvesting, and where the true transformation begins. In addition, you will be able to see the different ways in which we dry the coffee so that it reaches its optimal point.

Afterwards you will be able to learn more about the roasting process, quality control and of course, taste the coffee in the different processes! This is where you can see that each difference in the process has a different result in the cup.

An extra!


If you book our tour on the dates of January 31 or February 14 you will have a different experience. Fabiola Solano from the blog Soy Barista will accompany us and will be in charge of preparing coffee-based spirits. The goal is for them to enjoy our coffee in a different way. Book soon because spaces are limited!

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